
WorldsAcross: A Community of Learning and Success in Spanish

Written by Osmel Gelvez | Jun 5, 2024 6:52:07 PM

In this special edition of "WorldsAcross Stories," we dive into the inspiring success story of Mo, a student in our community who has taken her Spanish learning to an impressive level.

From her time in Miami to her experience in Argentina, Mo shows us how WorldsAcross is not just a language platform but a welcoming community and a safe haven for those who wish to master Spanish.

This story comes at a special time, as we celebrate the anniversary of WorldsAcross, remembering and celebrating the achievements of our students and the community we have built together.


From Miami to Mastering Spanish

Mo, whose real name is Mareike, from Germany meaning Maria, though she has no German roots, decided to learn Spanish for a practical reason: she lived in Miami for two years, where Spanish is omnipresent. “Everyone speaks Spanish,” Mo explains. “I needed to speak Spanish to work.”

Her story resonates with many who find learning Spanish an essential tool for life and work in bilingual environments.


A Journey That Begins with a Step

When asked about her first classes at WorldsAcross, Mo recalls: “My first week, all my classes were with Yesenia. Each teacher has a different style.” This variety of personalities and interests is one of the strengths of our platform, offering students a rich learning experience that adapts to different styles and needs.


Celebrating the WorldsAcross Community: A Home Away from Home

One of the highlights of Mo’s experience is the sense of community she found at WorldsAcross. Her enthusiasm is palpable when she talks about her friends and teachers. Mo tells us about a rainy day in Argentina, which, despite the inclement weather, became a memorable day thanks to her “poncho friends.”

This camaraderie and mutual support are fundamental to our academy’s philosophy, creating an environment where students feel safe and motivated. This anniversary is a perfect time to celebrate these bonds and the support network we have built together.


Spanish in Daily Life and Beyond

Mo has made Spanish an integral part of her daily life, not just as a means of communication but also as a passion. Her favorite word in Spanish is “dale,” a common expression in Argentina that encapsulates her enthusiasm and energy.

Moreover, her love for Argentine culture is reflected in her tattoo, which includes a mate, flowers, and the sun from the Argentine flag, a permanent testament to her connection with the country and its people.


Overcoming Cultural and Linguistic Barriers

For Mo, traveling to Argentina was a transformative experience, not just for the language, but for the warmth and kindness of its people. “The people here are very kind,” she says.

These types of experiences are crucial for any Spanish student, as they allow a deep and practical understanding of the language in its cultural context.


Advice for New Students

Mo offers wise advice for those considering learning Spanish but feeling scared or insecure. “The first thing is to learn to dance,” she says, highlighting the importance of immersing oneself in the culture to facilitate language learning.

She also emphasizes the importance of community and support, aspects in which WorldsAcross excels. This anniversary is an opportunity to remember that every small step counts and that you are not alone on this journey.


A Friend and Unconditional Support

A key figure in Mo’s journey is her friend Brianna, who has been a constant support and source of confidence. “Brianna is a good translator and a good friend. She gives me confidence,” says Mo, underscoring the importance of study partners and friends who support you in the learning process.


Looking to the Future

Mo does not plan to stop here. With future trips to other Latin American countries, she is ready to continue expanding her knowledge and skills in Spanish.

Her story is an inspiring reminder that with the right attitude, proper support, and a strong community, anyone can overcome their fears and achieve success in learning a new language.


Be part of our community

If you feel inspired by Mo’s story and are looking for a place where you can effectively learn Spanish in a welcoming environment, we invite you to join WorldsAcross.

Here, you will not only learn a language but also find a supportive family and friends who will accompany you every step of your journey.


Celebrating Our Anniversary

This anniversary marks a significant milestone for WorldsAcross. We have grown as a community that not only teaches Spanish but also provides a safe and enriching space for all our students.

As we celebrate this achievement, we reflect on success stories like Mo’s, which remind us why we do what we do.

We thank all our students and teachers who have been part of this wonderful adventure and look forward to building more success stories together.

More than a platform, a community.