The Five Most Delicious Latinamerican Dishes

When thinking about Latin America, the following can come to mind: Spanish romantic language, colors, music, party and sabor (flavor). The latter is not only represented figuratively in a speech, music or an image, but literally in the taste of a meal. Every dish has a sazón, a story, a moment and a particular name to identify it, but though Spanish can also have a great number or words, sometimes the taste of the amazing food from this region cannot be described in Spanish, let alone in another language.
Latin American cuisine is the result of the history of its peoples: a fusion of cultural and social elements that make its cooking style a mixture of flavors, products, and recipes. It is much more than meals, it is a lifestyle that surrounds it: family and community.
This cuisine has the peculiarity of connecting with the heritage of important regions, through different techniques and the use of iconic local ingredients that give identity to the cuisine of each country.
Let’s face it, food is much more than a means to survive: it preserves cultural identity and connects us with those around us. And it also invites us to learn more about the lifestyle of communities and regions who can also use it to communicate with us and allow us to see things from their perspective.
From México to Argentina, the variety of weather, soils, ingredients and spices, combined with the richness of cultures of every country result in an unbelievable show of delicious and mouth-watering dishes, so here I present you our best effort to narrow a list for you to get a taste the best.
After you try these, I’m certain that you will feel hispanic and will want to speak Spanish immediately:
1. Mole: México has a great variety of incredible food, with famous tacos and burritos, however the mole (means “sauce”) is a traditional sauce and marinade that is usually accompanied with rice. There are more than 20 types of moles and each has a particular taste, and these are the ingredients for the mole poblano: chocolate o cacao, jitomate, ajo, cebolla, almendras, nueces, pasas y especias como el clavo, la pimienta o el perejil, and four types of chili: ancho, mulato, pasilla y chipotle.
2. Bandeja Paisa: or Bandeja Montañera is the most representative dish of Colombia, has a mixture of delicious elements that has to be served on a big plate or tray. The ingredients are: arroz, fríjoles, carne molida, chicharrón, chorizo, huevo, aguacate, arepa and a tajada de plátano maduro.
3. Ceviche: or cebiche, although it is prepared in many Latinamerican countries, the Peruvian ceviche has a unique sazón of raw fish and juices that has made it gain international success, to the point to be considered cultural heritage in that country. The ingredients to prepare this succulent dish are: several types of pescado, mariscos, limón, naranja, cebolla, cilantro, salsa de tomate, mayonesa.
4. Pabellón criollo: Venezuela is known for its amazing arepas, something that is share with Colombia, however the pabellón is a dish that can describe Venezuelans with every bite: flavory, sweet and generous. Also served on a platter, the ingredients are: arroz blanco cocido, carne desmechada, caraotas negras “refritas”, tajadas de plátano maduro frito.
5. Feijoada: yes, it’s not a Spanish-speaking plate but it’s from Latin America. Contains ingredients that remind the dishes discussed earlier in this article and it’s a typical dish from the colorful country of Brazil. Something particular about it is that it’s only served on Wednesdays and Sundays and comes with a dessert: a fruit to eat in the end: naranjas! The ingredients (in Spanish) are: caraotas negras, arroz blanco cocido, carne de cerdo en salazón with harina de mandioca esparcida.
Do you agree with our list? Which dish would you add? Tell us in the comment section and remember you can join our Spanish learners community in WorldsAcross.