
How To Increase Your Vocabulary In Spanish In One Month

Written by Virginia Orozco | Jun 16, 2024 6:30:51 PM

Are you looking to increase your Spanish vocabulary in a short amount of time? Whether you are planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country or simply want to improve your language skills, building your vocabulary is a key aspect of language learning and one of the most important steps to take in becoming fluent. 

Though the amount of new words may look overwhelming for anybody, there are several effective and proven strategies you can use to increase your vocabulary in just one month. Here are some tips to get you started:


Use flashcards and vocabulary apps

Flashcards are a classic and great tool for memorizing new words. You can create your own flashcards with new words or phrases, and practice them regularly. You can also use pre-made flashcard apps like Quizlet or Anki.

Write the Spanish word on one side and a picture, preferably, or the English translation on the other side. Review the flashcards regularly and try to use the new words in your conversations.

Also, you can find many more popular apps available that can help you learn new words in a fun and interactive way that include Duolingo, Memrise, and Babbel. Set a daily goal for yourself and try to complete the vocabulary missions, or try to use them for at least 15 minutes per day. It will make a big difference in a month.


Read in Spanish

One of the best ways to increase your vocabulary fast is by reading in Spanish and is a great way to learn new words in context. Start with easy and short books or articles and focus on understanding the general meaning of the text before looking up unknown words. You can highlight them and look them up in a dictionary after the reading. 

In this manner, choose books or articles that interest you and challenge you at the same time. Use simpler texts the first weeks, and gradually move on to more complex ones. Additionally, make a note of the new words and try to use them in your daily conversations.

Reading helps also with seeing new vocabulary in context, which can be more effective than memorizing lists of words. Try to learn new words inside sentences or phrases, so you can understand how they are used in context. You can use online resources like Linguee or Reverso Context to find examples of words in context.


Watch TV shows or movies in Spanish

Watching TV shows or movies in Spanish can also help you improve your vocabulary fast. This exposure to Spanish media not only can help with vocabulary and common expressions, but can also help improve your listening skills.

Try watching with subtitles in your native language, and then switch to subtitles in Spanish as you become more comfortable. Pay attention to the new words and expressions you hear, write them down with the translation and try to use them in different sentences for imaginary situations, so later you can try to use them in your own conversations with others.

Furthermore, focus on high-frequency words: words that are most common in everyday conversation. Some examples of high-frequency words in Spanish include “hola” (hello), “gracias” (thank you), “tener” (to have), and “ir” (to go).


Listen to music in Spanish

Expanding vocabulary in Spanish through music can be a fun and engaging way to improve language skills in a month. One way to do this is to listen to Spanish-language music and follow along with the lyrics while reading a translation. This helps you to understand the meaning of the words and phrases being used in the song. 

Additionally, you can write down new words and phrases that you come across and look up their meanings later. Another way to learn Spanish vocabulary through music is to actively seek out music that is more challenging and has more complex lyrics. This can help you to stretch your language skills and learn new words and phrases that you may not encounter in everyday conversation. With consistent practice, listening to Spanish-language music can be a fun and effective way to expand your vocabulary in Spanish.


Practice with a native speaker

The main reason for learning a language is to speak it, thus the perfect opportunity to spot the basic or common vocabulary that you need to learn is by having conversations… a lot of them. So practicing with a native speaker is the best chance you can get to increase your vocabulary while also improving your speaking skills. 

Therefore, make the most out of your 1 on 1 classes with your WorldsAcross tutor by not only learning the grammar, but also, asking and choosing topics that interest you and try to use the new words and expressions you have learned. Additionally, join the WorldsAcross Group Sessions, where you will learn more vocabulary and cultural expressions in context, this will help reinforce new vocabulary and build your confidence.

Finally, an extra tip: everytime you learn a new word, verb or expression, try relating them to others, and learn them as well. For example, if you learn the word “perro” (dog), learn related words like “cachorro” (puppy), “ladrido” (bark), and “amo” (owner).

By following these tips, you can increase your Spanish vocabulary in just one month. Remember to practice regularly and use the new words and expressions in your daily conversations with your WorldsAcross tutors and friends. With dedication and effort, you can expand your vocabulary and become more confident in your ability to communicate effectively in Spanish. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)


“Now pass it on to your friends, no supongas que ellos lo saben todo.”