Expand your vocabulary for work! [A guide]

Did you know that Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world? Imagine the reach you can have in your career if you manage to master it!
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “knowledge of foreign languages contributes not only to personal wealth, but also to professional success.” Learning and perfecting Spanish is not just an investment in language skills.
Currently, globalization and international talent connections have significantly grown companies by communicating effectively with Spanish-speaking clients and partners.
Mastering this language gives you a significant competitive advantage in the global job market. Dare to expand your vocabulary for work!
We know you like to aim high and seek the best job positions.
To reach those positions, you need leadership and communication skills, professional networking, and the ability to negotiate successfully.
We will share phrases and expressions from these areas to help you learn Spanish vocabulary and communicate like a professional.
A great leader communicates assertively, so it’s important that everyone understands them. Managing another language allows you to create bridges of effective communication.
Motivating and inspiring while leading a team is fundamental, and recognition is part of motivation.
A leader is able to:
- Reconocer el buen trabajo: it’s a way to show gratitude and expose the correct or outstanding work of a team member, value their efforts and achievements.
Example: “I appreciate your dedication and commitment to the team, your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.”
It can be accompanied by:
- Bonificaciones, such as Performance Bonuses: in which an additional sum of money or some benefit is granted in recognition of an employee’s performance and excellence in achieving certain goals.
- Ascensos: it’s the transfer of an employee to a higher position, which allows them to advance in their professional career.
They are awarded when showing great performance, excellent management of functions in an area, and projection skills that allow the growth of a company or organization.
A leader has effective communication:
- Da retroalimentaciòn constructiva: it’s a communication process aimed at promoting growth and improving performance in a certain area by identifying areas to be corrected and recommendations to solve them. It’s specific, timely, and respectful.
Example: “I will provide individualized feedback to help you improve your performance and grow professionally.”
A smart leader delegates tasks and takes care of:
- Asignar responsabilidades: it consists of conferring responsibilities to a person to carry out certain activities and achieve the budgeted objectives in an estimated time.
Example: “We will delegate tasks according to the individual strengths of each team member to maximize our efficiency.”
As a bonus, we leave you with two expressions that a leader could say:
- “Manos a la obra”: it’s used when motivating a team to start an activity or project with enthusiasm.
- “Es momento de tomar las riendas”: it means that responsibilities must be assumed with leadership and proactivity to solve a problem or drive a project.
We are in the era of interconnections, and that’s what networking is about. It seeks to cultivate meaningful, mutually beneficial professional relationships.
Networking enables the exchange of resources, experiences, advice, and talent. It also opens doors to job and business collaboration opportunities
To network internationally, you must handle advanced Spanish vocabulary.
Here are some tips and phrases:
- “Expandir la red de contactos: by this, we mean increasing the number of people we relate to professionally and building solid relationships that drive career growth. By expanding your vocabulary for work, you can say sentences like:
Example:“I would love to stay connected, I’m looking to expand my network of contacts, if you need help or collaboration with any project, don’t hesitate to write to me.”
- “Proponer colaboraciones: suggest or invite working together on some initiative or project to other people, teams, companies, etc. with the aim of sharing experiences, resources, knowledge, and mutually boosting each other.
Example: “Our company is interested in your work, our goals align with yours. We are organizing an event for professionals in this industry, would you like to participate?”
- Interesarte por la experiencia del otro: it means showing genuine curiosity about the work experience, knowledge, approach of another person, with the intention of learning from them or working together. An additional point is to show that you also became interested in their language and managed to expand your vocabulary for work enough to ask questions like these:
Example: “Could you tell me about one of your most interesting or challenging projects?”
If you want to master advanced Spanish vocabulary, you cannot overlook expressions.
- “Cada uno aporta su granito de arena”: it’s used to express recognition of the contribution and value of each member of the professional collaboration.
- “Sumando esfuerzos, multiplicamos resultados”: you can use it when you want to express that by working as a team, combining efforts, knowledge, and resources, more can be achieved than individually.
Every company is interested in having someone with the ability to achieve agreements and resolve conflicts that favor the parties involved to maintain positive work relationships; that’s why expanding your vocabulary for work can propel you to international negotiation positions and we want you to be the best at it, so we share these tips and phrases with you:
- Expresar claramente los intereses y necesidades de la compañía: by this, we mean assertively and politely communicating the intentions of the agreement; as well as, the limits and openness that an institution, company, person has regarding a professional proposal from two or more parties. Imagine the extra you would have as a negotiator if you dedicate yourself to learning Spanish vocabulary and saying something like:
Example: “When connecting with new contacts, my approach is to communicate our objectives clearly and concisely and how we can mutually benefit from working together.”
- Ser flexible: being open to new ideas and approaches to solving problems.
- Comprometerse en el cumplimiento de los acuerdos alcanzados: it implies honoring the terms, conditions, and agreements they mutually reached. This reflects the integrity, responsibility, and reliability of a person, organization, etc.
Example: “I understand your concerns and I am willing to consider different approaches and explore other options for both of us to achieve our goals.”
- “Pongamos las cartas sobre la mesa”: it’s an invitation to an open conversation where all parties expose their objectives and intentions regarding the professional connection.
- “¡Eso es lo que llamo un acuerdo ganar-ganar!”: exclamation to recognize that the negotiation was successful and that the parties involved benefited.
Do you want to sound like a true professional?
Advanced Spanish vocabulary can help you. Here are four words that you can use in your work to sound like a professional Spanish speaker.
Sinergia (synergy)
Example: “I understand your concerns and I am willing to consider different approaches and explore other options for both of us to achieve our goals.”
Resolución (resolution)
Example: “I understand your concerns and I am willing to consider different approaches and explore other options for both of us to achieve our goals.”
Perspicacia (perspicacity)
Example: “I understand your concerns and I am willing to consider different approaches and exploreother options for both of us to achieve our goals.”
Automatización (automation)
Example: “I understand your concerns and I am willing to consider different approaches and explore other options for both of us to achieve our goals.”
Expand your knowledge and open yourself to new professional opportunities. Learning Spanish vocabulary can be the bridge that connects you to the current global job market.