In this globalized world, learning a second, third or more languages have many practical benefits as, in many places it is almost mandatory to know at least two languages.
Whether you are looking for a new and better job; planning to travel to a non-English speaking country, or just trying to understand the language of that new popular series on Netflix is about without relying on the subtitles.
Let’s face it, it is tiresome to read every line on the subtitles, when you are trying to just relax and enjoy the story, we are constantly having other languages’ inputs. That is part of what today’s world represents.
In this sense, learning languages can represent many challenges but also its process can be quite interesting, which is something that we take for granted when learning our native language.
Just by learning our native language, we are able to actually shape our thoughts and develop in society: we can communicate, express ourselves and, above all, learn basically ANYTHING.
Interesting, huh? So it is only logical that learning more languages entails many more fun facts that I will breakdown in three here:
1. Understanding, communicating and finding better opportunities
Let’s start with the most obvious one but that is underrated. One of the most common reasons for learning languages is to understand and communicate in another language for traveling or finding better job opportunities, but have you given that a deeper thought?
Is the grammar, exceptions, vocabulary, reading, complicated structures and expressions worth the trouble to understand and communicate? ABSOLUTELY!
I am sure you have had plenty of situations where you have felt helpless and lost just because you do not understand somebody’s language, thus you cannot communicate nor express yourself. It is quite a frustrating scenario, not to mention if it is in a job interview.
However, from the very beginning of learning a new language, you immediately open your mind to a whole new world.
When you are learning languages, you understand not only the system of that particular language but also a culture and lifestyles, which allows you to understand beyond the language, which at the same time lets you communicate more effectively.
That’s how you soon find yourself eager to know all the possible ways to say one thing with expressions and slang. It is such a wonderful feeling! And on top of that you can even aspire to better job opportunities that require knowing a second language.
2. Access to more information
Knowledge is power. When we think about access to information, we immediately think about the internet. And it makes sense. Thanks to the internet, we have access to information like never before.
However, though the internet is the modern Great Library of Alexandria, and holds inimaginable sources of information, it is naive to think it is only in English.
The immense almost infinite Library that the internet represents keeps golden information in numerous languages, but by speaking just one language we are missing out on a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT.
Though we have many translation tools, we know that it is not enough and it is not pragmatic when we are looking for information that was originally created in the target language.
In the same manner, even if the information is about a global matter, when you read it in different languages, the meaning can differ and it can provide a different perspective and make you more aware.
3. Makes you smarter and confident
In the last decades, scientists have begun to show a wide range of advantages about speaking a second language.
For example, learning a second language, or learning languages can make you smarter. It has a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even preventing you from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease in old age.
The bilingual or multilingual experience appears to influence the brain from infancy to old age, proving that learning languages benefits everyone. No matter your age, it’s never too late to learn something new, especially when it comes to languages.
And even though many people find it more tricky to learn a language later in life, it is related to social assumptions that are not true. Adults have so many assumptions, are so predisposed and so embarrassed to make mistakes that this hinders the learning process.
However, the trick is to imagine you are a child, you are discovering a new world through language so keep your eyes and ears wide open, make mistakes, everything will start to seem more natural.
This will boost your confidence which will allow you to know other people and cultures from all around the world.
And if you are looking to learn a new language, then Spanish is definitely one of the best options. It is one of the most widely dispersed languages around the world, it’s everywhere. But more than that, Spanish is a fun and interesting language to learn.
At WorldsAcross you can start or continue your Spanish journey in an easy, personalized way with our method of Living the language for 1-1 classes and group sessions. Sign-up now. ¡Aprendamos español!
“Now pass it on to your friends, no supongas que ellos lo saben todo.”